Essbase 21c SmartView - Setting the Timeout
A client was having issues with their SmartView connections timing out after an hour. We ran through all the usual checks and changes to set to a higher value, but the connection always timed out in 60 minutes. Oracle Support was involved, they eventually had us make changes in the WebLogic Console to resolve the issue.
Log in to yourhostname:7001/console as your WebLogic Admin user.
Click ‘Deployments’ and expand ‘Essbase’. Select ‘/essbase/agent’ :
Click the ‘Lock and Edit’ button
Select the ‘Configuration’ tab, in the ‘General’ subtab is an entry ‘Session Timeout (in seconds):’
The default value is 3600 seconds, or one hour. Change this value, and submit the change. You will be prompted to create a new deployment plan. Once the deployment plan is set, the session lets you know your changes do not require any restarts.
You will have to perform a similar activity for the other URLs present: /essbase , /essbase/jet, and /essbase/rest
Re-deploy Essbase by clicking the checkbox next to the ESSBASE link under ‘Deployments’ and selecting ‘Update’. Select ‘Redeploy this application..’ Ensure the deployment plan shown is the same as what was previously generated above. Click through and ‘Activate Changes’
Now, go test your SmartView timeout!