Watch Webinar: Mitigate Business Continuity Risks with iArchive Disaster Recovery

Thank you to everyone who could attend our live webinar.

If you missed it, or would like to see it again, below is the a link to the recording along with the Q&A .

Q: Are there any data size restrictions?

A:  Technically, no there are no restrictions.  With that said, there are always challenges with extremely large data sets (think petabytes).  The RPO/RTO requirements of large data sets may need to be amended for data sizes in these ranges.

Q: What types of servers, systems and applications can you use this solution with?

A:  The solution should function with most standard systems.  The technology can backup most LINUX/UNIX OS and Windows OS based systems.

  Database technologies tend to need greater RPO than RackWare provides, and may best be served by a specific DB technology.


Q: Is there a limit to how many servers (minimum or maximum) that I can protect with this tool?

A:  There is no limit.  With that said, we recommend about 50 servers per RMM, so large data centers may need more than 1 RMM host to deliver the best RPO/RTO for a DR scenario.


Q: What is the benefit of using your DR solutions rather than the built DR and backup tools that come with the cloud providers?

A:  The benefit is the ability to be agnostic in terms of target.  Most Cloud provided solutions are specific to one cloud.  Our solution is agnostic to the Target.  Additionally, many Cloud provided solutions are not synchronized, meaning individual components (compute, disk, etc.) need to be configured and/or restored independently. 


Q: How can we get more information on the DR solutions? Do you offer a proof of concept?

A:  We can schedule a demo or proof of concept.  Please reach out to us to arrange that and we can work up a solution to meet your needs.


Q: Do we have to have our own cloud account to use this?

A:  No, you would have access to a secured compartment in the iArch Solutions OCI tenancy.  So, there is no need for your own tenancy.  We can support a client tenancy if desired.


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