Watch Webinar: Beyond Finance-Unleashing The Full Potential of Oracle Essbase Across Your Organization

Thank you to everyone who could attend our live webinar.

If you missed it, or would like to see it again, below is the a link to the recording along with the Q&A .

Q: Of the non-financial use cases you presented, which one do you see most often?

A: Point of Sales is the one we see the most of. It really does dovetail that financial data with product data and units sales.

Q: What do you see happening with Essbase or EPM upgrades or customers move into a new version?

A: We see a lot of movement with Essbase with the release of Essbase 21c. We are seeing a lot of interest in people upgrading from, both on-prem as well as OCI or other Cloud Providers. That includes 21c standalone as well as the latest EPM release where Essbase 21c is now included. It is not a difficult upgrade process.

Q: Are you available to demo some of the use cases that you shared?

A: We definitely are available for a demo. If anyone is interested in learning more, please click the “Contact Us'“ link at the bottom of this blog.

Q: Is Essbase available as a SAS offering?

A: Right now, we do not see a clear SaaS offering. We are seeing interest in 21c Marketplace on OCI and Independent deployments on other Cloud providers. Essbase is also the back end for the EPM cloud and folks using Planning Cloud additionally for stand-alone Essbase solutions.


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How to Resolve a Registry Lock Issue, When Attempting to Execute the EPMCONFIG.bat File