Unable to run InterCompany or Journal Reports in HFM 11

Recently in an 11.2.8 build I ran into an issue where the client was unable to run their IC  or their Journal Reports  from within  the HFM Applications. The attempt to run the report would immediately be “aborted”. After searching though some of the logs we found this message within the xfm.odl-APPHFM-1.LOG Located on the HFM server here:


[DATET11:44:00.896097-04:00] [XFM] [ERROR:1] [EPMHFM-07492] [XFM] [ecid: 00jGsbDORV2Fw00Fzzw0w00000bs0001K^] [File: c:\user\workspace\hfm_11.2.8_build\hfm\source\commonservercomponents\xfmcommon\xfmfilesys.cpp] [Line: 62] [userId: ] [Msg arguments: ] [appName: APPHFM] [pid: 5772] [tid: 11620] [host: SERVER] [nwaddr:;] [errorCode: 80041801] [srcException: 0] [errType: 1] [dbUpdate: 2] [] The directory doesn't exist after being created [[Could not verify the creation of directory: D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\products\FinancialManagement\FileTransferData\RunningTasks\1291862309]]

We followed that path and found that the “RunningTasks” folder did not get created during the build process for Hyperion Financial Management. We simply created a new folder and gave it the “RunningTasks” name in that location and re-ran the IC and Journal Reports successfully.


EPM version 11.2.10 dropped from Oracle this week...


Why is my 11.2.8 Maintenance Release Hanging?