Oracle Drops EPM Version 11.2.20: Key Features, Updates, and What You Need to Know
Oracle quietly dropped EPM version/patch 11.2.20 last week. In the latest version, which is an opatch bundle that can be applied directly to any version 11.2.15 or later, Oracle has included the following new features:
Java 8 Update 431
WebLogic Patch Set Update
. ( released Oct 15, 2024)
Application Data Framework (ADF) Bundle Patch
. (released Oct 15, 2024)
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 19c Bundle Patch
. (released Oct 15, 2024)
There are no Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Patches in Release 11.2.20.
Support for Keyboard Shortcut Keys in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Taskflow.
For more details, see Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Accessibility Guide.
Support for Special Characters in Service Account Password.
For more details, see Preparing User Accounts.
Some interesting additions include:
Support for special characters in Service Account passwords
EPM now supports the following special characters in the service account password.
Changing the WebLogic administrator password
At the time of the blog the included link on what this feature means is a broken link. Hopefully Oracle resolves that soon.
My team will be applying this patch to several environments over the next several weeks. If we uncover any issues or “gotchas”, we will follow up with another blog.
I hope this helps. If you are still using an older version of EPM on-premise and want to refresh your ageing servers and infrastructure, now is the time for an upgrade.
Contact iArch Solutions for help bringing your EPM platform up to date!