Getting the SmartView .MSI

In older versions of the SmartView Installer, the SmartView.msi used to be bundled as part of the .zip.  However, in newer versions you are presented with just the ReadMe, SmartView.exe and the Version.xml.  

Older versions also used to write the .msi to a %temp% folder location and store it there.  But, the latest versions remove and clean this file up after the installation of the .exe file is complete.

Many client want or need the .msi to make the deployment of automated installation easier.  So, the lack of a readily available .msi can be problematic.

Luckily, you can still get and copy the .msi, if you follow the below steps.

  • On a client machine, launch the SmartView.exe installer and do not click any of the prompts

  • Open Windows Explorer on the client machine and type %temp% into the address bar and click return

  • This will open the temp folder on the client machine

  • Sort by Date Modified and locate the .msi folder

  • Copy this file to wherever you want to refrence the .msi from for future use.

This should help clients looking for the .msi for pushed package installations.


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